To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Friday, January 10, 2014

Epic Jungle Trek

Today, my friends and I hiked all the way from Quepos to Playa  Biesanz through the jungle and all the deserted beaches along the way (except for the  private hotel beach where we walked on wearing our bamboo cone hats). We saw all three types of monkeys, got charged at by a bull, found our way out of the jungle in the last light of the day, swam under the moon, and hitchhiked home. Awesome day.

Howler Monkeys - a whole family with babies on their bellies :]  Super Rare Find
I didn't take this pic - it is from the internet - but it is of the adorable Titi Monkey, which we also saw.

This Scary Capuchin monkey defending his turf…from us. Then they started throwing things at us...

One of the many beautiful beaches we had to ourselves

This is the cow (bull? - it had hornes) that blocked our path and charged us when we tried to pass.  Good thing we were cow whisperers. 

The trail was rough on Amanda's shoes... which both ended up sole-less by the end.

Far in the distance you can see the strip of land that is the Quepos Marina.  We started before that.

The bamboo pope hats we sported onto the private hotel beach
Made it out of the Jungle just in time

This shows the route we took from Quepos to Playa Biesanz - the part it doesn't show is how many times we went down to the beach and all the way up into the high jungle again.  There was a lot of very quick elevation gain to say the least. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunset! How did you finally get by the cow and monkey?
