To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Weirdness of the Week - Another Opportunity to Practice Quick Transitions

I would not say making transitions is one of my natural strengths, but I'm working on it.  In this life I lead at the moment, I am being presented with constant opportunities to practice making these transitions more skillfully and smoothly.

I have only worked at my new job as a receptionist at the yoga studio for about a month... when they tell me today that they've hired a new girl who also teaches yoga and is a raw chef.  She arrives from Canada this week and my last day will be Friday.  I was just getting used to everything and I really like the girls who work there.  It's crazy how one day you don't have a job... the next day you do.  Then, one day you don't.  I know I've talked about this same thing many times, but it still amazes me.

Then, when I got home... I checked my email.  The director of the HS had emailed the English teachers to tell us that she didn't need us to come anymore.  So, I guess today was my last day at the HS.  Talk about a lack of closure.... I didn't even know it was my last day.  How fitting, though.  If I think about it, it really shouldn't be surprising.  It goes along with all of the other random endings I have experienced.

I guess since I'm not of this culture and never fully will be, I'll make my own form of closure - in the form of a reflection.  One of my really sweet students at the HS came today - of her own will - to finish watching the movie, Divergent.  After class she says, "Teacher.  Photo."  Then, we hug and she asks me "Teacher, will you return the other year? I hope so."  :]  I'd say this was a good last day.  I'll take that as closure.

And... through all of this practice, I am getting better at trusting myself and trusting the universe to support me in whatever adventure that is presented next.

Because, even though many branches have felt like they were breaking under me, I have always been able to fly. Besides, if I'd had stayed on one tree all the time, I'd never have experienced all of this beauty. 


  1. Great realization! And a really appropriate quote.

  2. Such a great example of embracing transitions, especially the unexpected ones! Your insights are perfect timing for what I'm experiencing in my own transitions. Sending you a BIG hug.

  3. Bien dicho, tus experiencias en Costa Rica te hacen cada dia mejor y mas fuerte, confia en ti...ahora tienes alas para volar!!!
    Dices que no eres de esa cultura, sin embargo has aprendido de la cultura de Latino America, por lo cual al regresar a tu propia cultura tendras la ventaja de ser no solo bilingue, tambien bicultural!!!
