To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My First Two Articles for the Yoga Studio

I am writing articles for the local yoga studio/spa :]

This one is an interview I conducted and then wrote as if I was the surf instructor...

This summer enjoy our 3 days Yoga & Surf Retreat and live your life in the most amazing way you can!

Yoga Surf Retreat info
Yoga & Surf Instructor
Yoga & Surf Instructor
I’m Kaelin”Kiki” from Topanga, California.  I started surfing when I was 12, but never really had time to practice.  When I came to Costa Rica last year, I fell in love with surfing and just got better with practice.
A perfect day of surfing for me is: waking up really early, seeing the sun and the moon at the same time, warm water, friends cheering you on, and maybe getting a good left.Surfing has made me stronger mentally and physically.  It helps me have a deep connection with the ocean, another world that humans haven’t really tapped into.  Reading the current and the waves is like understanding a different language. It makes me a more humble person and happy to be alive.
Yoga is amazing for surfing.  It really clears your mind.  You start to let go of your fears and expectations and begin to just let things happen.  Also, if you get scared when a wave knocks you down, practicing yoga helps you keep calm.  In yoga, you practice letting go and trusting yourself.  That’s exactly what you have to do in the water. Yoga also helps, physically, with surfing.  It helps take away sore muscles and balances any ways you are compensating from old injuries.  It just helps balance out your body which improves your surfing skills.
Both Surf  and Yoga have tested and stretched my patience.  You’re not going to get everything done and get better in one day.  Some days will be good, some days will be bad;  It takes practice.  So, both practices have  taught me a lot about patience, and also just having fun while you’re doing it all.
My favorite surfing memory is when I was surfing at Playitas in Manuel Antonio.  The sunset was bright pink and I was about to duck dive under a wave. The light reflecting through the wave was fuchsia.  I came out on the other side and it was just gorgeous.   That is some of the beauty you can experience surfing, here, in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is amazing! Since I work as a Yoga instructor at Holis Wellness Center I have more friends and great stories to share, Manuel Antonio is full of life, jungle, monkeys, and beauty. The warmth is not only in the climate and the water, but in the people and the language.  They are so inviting and kind.  Everything is beautiful and I want to share it with everyone, so come and enjoy our 3 days Yoga & Surf Retreat and live your life in the most amazing way you can!

Yoga Surf Retreat info


Anyone who has visited the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica has surely encountered these tropical treats, but many are not aware of actually how amazing the coconut actually is. From coconut water to coconut oil, this fruit has a multitude of healing properties and health applications. Coconuts have been used by indigenous peoples as a source of protein and energy and medicinally for centuries, but only recently have the benefits of this oil become widely appreciated by the general public. We are very fortunate to have such a versatile plant in our very own “back yard” here at Spa Holis and are proud to say that we use coconut oil in our massages.

The Amazing Coconut Oil:

Decreasing Body Fat:
Studies show that taking just two tablespoons a day of coconut oil can reduce belly fat within 1-3 months.

Fighting Fungus:
Have you ever thought of applying coconut oil to your skin to fight fungus? In 2004, 52 isolates of Candida species were exposed to coconut oil. The most notorious form, Candida albicans, was found to have the highest susceptibility. Researchers remarked: “Coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species.”
Healing Wounds:
Have a cut? Try coconut oil! Coconut oil is has a biochemical structure that is unlike olive oil and animal fatty tissue. It consists of short-chained and saturated fatty acids; these qualities in coconut oil prevent it from becoming oxidized and rancid, thus making it a good agent for wound treatment.

Protecting You From the Sun:
Did you know that coconut oil can be used as a low grade sunscreen? Coconut oil has been shown to block out UVA rays by 30%, which is good because it is actually important to receive some UVB rays when the exposure is moderate.

Soothing Skin:
Would you believe that coconut oil can improve atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory itchy skin condition, by acting as a natural moisturizer? Virgin coconut oil can also be applied as a moisturizer to relieve the itching of mild to moderate xerosis.

Strengthening Your Hair:
Have dry or weak hair? Try rubbing some coconut oil on it. Coconut oil treats damaged hair by penetrating into hair fibers and acting as a moisturizer. When you apply coconut oil to your hair before washing or rub some through it during the day, it can reduce protein loss for both damaged and healthy hair. The lauric acid in coconut oil has an affinity for hair proteins and because of its low molecular weight it can penetrate the hair fibers and prevent hair damage.

Boosting Your Brain:
Did you know that medium chain triglycerides, found in coconut oil, have been shown to significantly increase cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients? A study published in 2006 in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, showed that the use of these medium chain triglycerides, caused a significant increases in ketone bodies (within only 90 minutes after treatment). This greatly increased their cognitive functions.
These are only some of the main benefits of coconut oil as the list goes on and on….  If you would like more information or to see more of the health benefits of this incredible fruit, check out these links:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Es que, quiero ser su Abuelita"

One of my improv students walks up to me and pinches my cheeks.  ¿¡Qué está haciendo?!" I squeal.  "Es que, quiero ser su abluelita," (I wan't to be your grandmother) she responds very mater-of-factly.  Did I mention that she is only 16 years old?!

There were 4 new improv students that came to practice yesterday, which was crazy because I didn't even think we were meeting because I was told that we were painting a mural outside the theatre.  But, just as I thought the group was loosing steam.... here we are growing stronger again.  Also, after all of this randomness and improving lesson plans when half the group has never heard of improv before... I think I will be able to stay a lot calmer in any chaotic teaching situation that faces me in my own language, someday. 

Washing Paper Cups

If I write a book one day, I think I want this to be the title. 

Paper Cups 
Using and discarding...
wasteful, consumer  -
"one use only", or so you think.

Wash them, dry them, and use them again...
Sobre-vivencia, being resourceful - 
learning to appreciate what you have.


One saying that always catches me off guard, still, is "provecho."  I'll just be sitting there, eating, and someone will walk by and say, "¡Provecho!"  It sort of makes me feel awkward that I'm eating and they're not.  At the same time, it is nice that they notice and want me to enjoy the food :]  This oddness isn't just a translation thing; it's a cultural thing.  We don't have any form of this in the US - that I'm aware of, at least.  We don't walk by a stranger who is eating and tell them to enjoy their food.  And we certainly don't walk around the table to kiss each person when we enter a lunch meeting.  This, I will miss someday. 

Another culture/language/thinking difference that my friend and I talked about today is that instead of complaining about being hot.... here, you just state that it is hot. It is like a fact.  Then, when you get a breeze or enter the water... something that feels really good, you get to be super dramatic about how amazing it feels.  "¡¡¡¡Que rica brisa!!!!!!" for example.  I can't ever remember myself saying, "This breeze is so amazingly delicious!"  haha.  Now, I want to. 

I am convinced that learning another language not only rewires the language part of your brain, but rewires the way that you experience the world around you.  I love it. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

When you're not in Spanish classes...

you don't get formal feedback on your progress.  You can go long periods of time, thinking your skills have plateaued or even declined.... This is why it is the little markers, sometimes, that cause you to realize how much your Spanish has actually improved.

Yesterday, I was in the office of the school when somebody made a joke.  They said it really fast to make sure that nobody would understand, but I did and reacted.  I thought nothing of it, but the person who made the joke was shocked!

She said that she had said the joke really fast and couldn't believe I got it and that she was really impressed :] 

Then, today, I stayed around after the HS to finish grading the tests.  Side note, I can order breakfast at school for only 1.20!  That is the cheapest food you can get in this town!!!!  Anyways, I ended up hanging out talking to the women who run the soda and some of the staff that works at the HS.  Even though I was focusing on calculating the points of the test, I was able to participate in the conversation (probably almost as well as if I had be doing the same task during an English conversation).  That was exciting. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

CR Wins First Game of the World Cup!!!!!

I walk down the streets of Quepos to the theatre and it is like walking with a TV.  Every house and business I pass is playing the game, so walking -  I don't miss one moment.  People are gathered in the vet's office, the corner super, in front corridors.... The city collectively shrieks Spanish obscenities as Uruguay gets a goal.

I join Alexis on the little couch in the back of the theatre to watch the rest of the game.  It is not looking good for CR.  Uruguay has won World Cups before, while CR never has.  Then, the tables turn.  Gooooooooaaaaaalllll for CR!!!! We freak.  Alexis starts hitting the wall and kissing me on the cheek.  I can't even imagine what it sounds like in Quepos (the theatre is outside of town on the coast).  Two minutes later, another goal for CR!!!!!!! This is insane.  The town must be nuts!

Then, my improv group shows up and we finish watching the game together.  CR gets another goal and wins the game!!!! I saw on the news today that San Jose was absolutely insane.  I would have liked to see that, but I'm happy to be watching history with this little group of teenagers I have formed.  

And.... I just found out that the president has declared a holiday from school to watch the games this week.  This is how important soccer is.

I think I have the most random mix of jobs of anyone I know...

If I had a  list of all the jobs I am currently doing, this is what it would say:

High School English Teacher
Private English Teacher
English Tutor
Spanish Literature Tutor
Science in Spanish Tutor
Spanish Camp Co-Coordinator and Curriculum Developer - for Adolescents from Texas
Pharmacy English Consultant/ Coach
Editor and Writer for Spa Holis Yoga Studio
Improvisational Theatre Teacher
Youth Theatre Coordinator
Representative for the Independent Theatre League 
and... the newest edition
Teacher at MARTEC Industries, a Fishery Company

Crazy!!!!!  More details to come.... you can see, though, why I haven't been writing for a while. 

"I'm proud for myself."

"Teacher, I'm proud for myself" says my student at the Pharmacy after she understands the lyrics to the song we just listened to.  This is one of the most important things I think I have taught her - not English, but to recognize pride at a difficult challenge mastered.  Well, I'm "proud for myself, too."  :]

I'm proud for myself for doing scary things every day until they are no longer scary, but normal.
I'm proud for myself for making a workable life, here, in a different country with a different language.
I'm proud for myself for continuing to see the beauty and the craziness in all of this... and still appreciate it more all the time. 

Funny side note:  the students thought that the song "Arms" by Christina Perri was saying "You put your arms around me and I'm home" as in "you put your weapons around me and I'm home."  We laughed about this visual for about 10 minutes.... acting out hugging someone with guns instead of arms.  Maybe you had to be there to think it was funny.   

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weirdness of the Week - episode 5,000

1.  Your neighbor is housing the municipality's construction equipment in their front porch and the house you live behind has given the construction crew the key to the gate so they can access your water source.... 

2.  The bags of cement are being stored in front of your living room window. 

3.  You can't order gas for your apartment because nobody can tell you the address, even the people who live in the house.  You decide to call a friend who used to live in that apartment - she gives you some sort of address and when you finally get the gas people to believe that is an address, they arrive within 5 minutes on a motorcycle... beeping with the tank of gas strapped to the back. 

4.  You realized that instead of contributing to the ever growing trash problem of the world, you can feed the chickens across the street all of your food waste.  In fact, the woman sitting in a chair outside of that house (who is never not in the chair) thanks you every-time you bring over your scraps.  At first, when she called out to you one day you were scared she was upset about the trash dumping plan you had been executing for a week... only to find she wanted to show you exactly the best location for the drop-off. 

5.  This process of getting the food waste out of the house also has solved many of your fly and other insect problems. 

6.  You don't want to get spiders out of your house in hopes that they are assisting you with the mosquito patrol.

7.  When you go to the local High School, it always looks like lunch recess at any time of day.  As in, there are always bunches of students not in classes.... just playing on their phones or walking around.  Apparently it is a normal scheduling thing.  I don't know how anyone can focus.  Also, there are several classrooms with students who have teachers that just didn't come....  Like when I was sick... my students were just all by themselves.  And that is totally normal.  The craziest thing is they seem for the most part well behaved. 

8.  After show at the theatre, the members of the audience all kiss you goodnight as they walk out. 

9.  You have to talk about what to do if the power goes out before you start the play... because it is raining. 

10.  Your English spelling is really being affected by Spanish, but you are still an English teacher.....  You also loose the ability to recognize the incorrect use of prepositions like "in" as illustrated in weirdness number 1.  "In the front porch..."  Really? 

*It is interesting to see how things I noticed as odd at first are now so normal and still, there are different odd things all the time.