To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Washing Paper Cups

If I write a book one day, I think I want this to be the title. 

Paper Cups 
Using and discarding...
wasteful, consumer  -
"one use only", or so you think.

Wash them, dry them, and use them again...
Sobre-vivencia, being resourceful - 
learning to appreciate what you have.

1 comment:

  1. Another valuable insight!
    Our society as a whole has become so wasteful of resources, but we can each do our part to conserve as much as we can.
