To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Friday, September 13, 2013


I have an announcement: 

 *Drum Roll................*

This week, I made enough money to pay for my rent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had at least one student every day, along with my mornings at the elementary school. 

It is working.  I am building a place for myself here.  Slow, and steady (with lots of ups and downs). 

I even have $12 left over after I pay rent ;]  haha.  Like they say here, "poco a poco."