To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thanksgiving - a multicultural exchange

This story is a little bit "atrasado" (late) but November and December were super busy months.

For Thanksgiving, I decided to host a dinner in the laundry room front porch that I have.  For five of the guests it was their first Thanksgiving. 

5 estadounidenses, 1 canadiense, 1 irlandés, 1 nicaragüense, y 3 ticos = The most multicultural thanksgiving I've ever had... in my laundry room jaja. Gracias amigos Los quiero mucho.

The best parts were that after I explained the story of Thanksgiving, we went around the table and said what we were each thankful for.  Some in English, some in Spanish, and some in Spanglish.  For the most part, everyone understood :]

They baked the pie in a toaster oven!!!! (One is from CR and one from Ireland)

Then, we proceeded to try to do this finger slapping hand gesture thing that Ticos do to add dramatic flair to their stories.  It seems they are all born to do this gesture and none of the foreigners can do it.  We are all practicing, though.  One day....   Mine can now make a little bit of a sound.


  1. Maybe you could post a video of the gesture, as it is hard to imagine.

  2. What an amzing gift you gave all your friends, to experience the gratefulness that Thanksgiving brings forward in the gathering together for a meal.
