To My Middle School Students:

To My Middle School Students:

I hope that you enjoy this blog about my adventures living and teaching abroad. I am glad that I get to keep you all updated in this way and know that, even though I am not technically your teacher anymore, I will always consider you my students. Feel free to leave comments, to email me with questions, or just say hi :]

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Mundane is Where the Magic Is

The Mundane is Where the Magic Is

To travel the world is to see new sights, visit beautiful places, taste foreign foods... but
the day to day is where the magic is.

One can check locations off a list like a businessman checking off tasks, but
to sink into a place; to let it as much absorb you as you it,
that is where the magic is.

A traveler with no commitments and no responsibilities is free to do what he pleases, but
amidst the hard work and the persistence to see a project through...
that is where the magic is.

Because relationships, you see, are not built overnight.
The "friends" that say "Pura Vida Amiga" when you invite them to dinner
are as much your friends as the next blank check.

But the days spent sitting on front porches laughing and telling stories,
the nights spent laying on tile floors giggling about the symphony of frogs performing for you just on the other side of the wall,
the classes at the high school where your students' poetry gives you goosebumps,
that is where the magic lives.

Because their voices are grand
and their abilities to express those ideas
with the words you gave them
like little shiny gifts to unwrap each day
are given back to you
when they breath life into those words,
making them dance on the stage of life
like ballerinas performing metaphors and hyperbole....

When they stick around to finish their poems even after the bell rings
and say things like,
"Teacher... I don't want to move up to the next level next year because I want to be in your class, still."
And it breaks your heart because only you know you won't be there much longer than it takes for the sun to burn up into the ocean at the end of each day...

That is where the magic is.


  1. So true, and so poetically expressed...!

  2. Beautiful!
    That piece could win a prize in a magazine contest!
